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Show Time

raise show time jap donut maker machinej peg medium big


Lego Robot Project


Details and skills


1. LEGO CNC 3D Model



Characteristic: Lego Robot movable 3 axis x,y,z and

the mill can rotate around z axis simulate CNC Machine

About Inventor: Phokhoa the boy at Raise Genius School Prachaudij branch this project can use to assess the ability of the invention robot. 6 hour of invention and use a lot of problem solving attempt.


  Youtube:> Lego robot simulate 3D CNC Machine






Inventor: Phokhoa

Level: Advance Machanic

Time: 9 hr.

Robot Platform : Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0 ( Lego Robot)

Idea: CNC Machine

Kinematic: Gantry Robot

Machine: Chain ,Spin ,Lever

Programming: Remote Block

Idea: Cnc Machine

Raise Skills: Concentration, Problem Solving, Systematic thinking, Physic





2. Lego Robot Playing Electron


Characteristic: Moving in back side rail and hit the beam on electron key to play a song

Level: Advance Programming

 Time: 12 hr.

Robot Platform : Lego Minstorm NXT 2.0 ( Lego Robot )

 Idea: Robot Musician

 Kinematic: Revolute Joint

 Machine: Balance

 Programming: Timing,Phase Control

Idea: Musician Robot






 3. Lego Robot drawing (Parallel Robot )


Youtube : Drawing Parallel Robot by Lego Mindstorm

Characteristic: The moving arm movement derive from previous beam movement that derive from motor sequence. The method come from Parallel Mechanism.

About Inventor: Phokhoa study at Raise Genius School for many years since Level Raise Imagine.

He do it himself after get teach advise.



Inventor: Phokhoa

Level: Advance Machanic

Time: 6 hr.

Robot Platform : Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0 ( Lego Robot )

Idea: Industrial Parallel Robot

Kinematic: Parallel Mechanism

Machine: Chain, Gear Box,Truss

Programming: Remote Block

Idea: worker arm movement

Raise Skills: Concentration, Problem Solving, Systematic thinking, Physic




4. Lego Robot “Carnivorous Plant” from imagination


Characteristic: Control moving many Universal joint to simulate behave of Carnivorous Plant

use 6 universal Joint connect a Motor as a chine.


About Inventor: Peekun the 5 years lovely girl


Inventor: peekun

Level: Imagine

Time: 2 hr.

Robot Platform: Lego Minstorm NXT 2.0  ( Lego Robot )

Idea: Carnivorous Plant from movie

Kinematic: Chain of Couping Join

Machine: Universal Couping Join

Programming: NoN

Raise skills: Imagination, Creativity, Expression



5. Lego Robot Exo-Skeleton


Characteristic: Lego Robot that can control the arms move up & down

through moving wrist slightly.

The moving secret is Parallel Linkage along the arm.

About Inventor: Nano the genius boy the son of Dr. Phong. Let see Nano on stage present about ” Nano Bot ” at TK park  Central World.

Inventor: Nano

 Level: Imagine

Time: 3 hr.

Robot Platform : Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0 ( Lego Robot )

 Idea Survey: Exo-Skeleton

 Kinematic: Palallel Beam

 Machine: Gear,Bar

 Programming: NoN

Idea: Iron Man

Raise Skills : Passion, Imagination, Creativity, Physic







6. Lego Robot “Donut Machine” from Jab

raise-lego robot-show-time-jap_donut_maker_machine

Youtube : Jap Donut Machine by Lego

characteristic: Lego Robot Automatic Donut Machine.

This machine can flip 2 side of donut along conveyor

from youtube the machine work well and stable.The idea come from real machine at donut shop at Central Rama 2 Plaza

Thank you so much Jap (Roong-aroon School)

 About Inventor: Jap the creative boy.He invent and play lego robot very well and shine the inside him happiness. so thank you him parent.

and Thank you Roong-aroon School don’t block him genius.

Inventor: Jap

 Level: Thinking

Time: 3 hr.

Robot Platform : Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0 (Lego Robot)

 Idea Survey: Conveyor

 Kinematic: Linear, Revolute motion

 Machine: Belt,Lever

 Programming: Time Sync Block

 Idea: Donut Machine Central RamaII

Raise Skills: Passion, Creativity, Systematic Thinking, Physic


Creative x2

Physic_and_mechanism x2


7. Copter Lego Humanoid Robot

Raise- Lego Robot-show-time


   Youtube :>

Characteristic: Lego Humanoid Robot : It very complicate in mechanism use mainly crank beam to drive robot leg movement.

    Use inventtion time approximately  4.5 hrs.

About Inventor: Copter : He genius in mechanic. He have Inspired from him father, good luxurey and sport car player.

Inventor: Copter

 Level: Raise Thinking

Time:  4.5 hr.

Robot Platform : Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0 (Lego Robot)

 Idea Survey: Lego Mindstorm Software

 Kinematic: Crank

 Machine: Gear

 Programming: Net If

 Idea: Humanoid on TV

Raise Skill : Passsion, Physic ,Creativity



ct x3

Physic_and_mechanism x2


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Tonnam show Lego Invade the space robot. It take 4 hrs to invent.
